Saturday, 18 May 2024

King Lear | Thinking Task

This blog task is a thinking activity on Shakespeare's famous play King Lear. 

Q - Choose any Play/Tragedy/Novel/Comedy of William Shakespeare. Re-Create it if Was Written in 2022.

William Shakespeare wrote many plays, but one of my favorites is "King Lear." However, I am not fond of its tragic climax. I would like to reimagine the character of King Lear as if he lived in 2022.

King Lear is the hero of the play, yet he behaves rashly and irresponsibly. He is blind and unfair as a father, as seen in his treatment of Cordelia, which was wrong. He failed as a ruler, and although he later realizes his mistakes, it is too late. If the play took place in 2022, Lear would recognize his folly sooner, and unnecessary deaths could be avoided.

I wouldn't save Regan and Goneril, as they were evil and deserve to be punished. However, Edmund could use a telephone to reverse his orders to kill Cordelia and Lear, rather than relying on a human messenger. This way, they wouldn't have to die and could live peacefully after the tragedy they endured.

if you Have to Write or direct a Play Which Human Characteristics you will put into your Characters

If I were to direct a play, I would design my main character to be smart, intellectual, and funny. I believe that without humor, books lose their enjoyment. Additionally, the character should be kind and gentle towards everyone.

Q Among Three Unities Shakespeare Follows Unity of Action. How Far fo You agree With This? Give Reasons. 

The three unities are Time, Place, and Action. Shakespeare primarily adhered to the unity of Action, which often results in a more engaging and cohesive drama. The unity of Action is easier to adopt, whereas the unities of Time and Place can be challenging or even impossible to implement effectively.

Unity of Time

This principle suggests that a play should present events that occur within a 24-hour period, with the time span of the play ideally matching the actual time of its performance. Due to this limitation, many writers, including Shakespeare, did not adhere to this unity. Even if a play manages to incorporate this unity, it is unlikely to gain much popularity due to its restrictive nature.

Unity of Place

According to this principle, the play should take place in a single location, such as one room or square. This can be inconvenient for writers, as it restricts the ability to change scenes. For instance, if I were writing a play about a war between two nations, it would be impossible to maintain the unity of Place. The play would need to depict both the battlefields and the situations within the nations, including injured soldiers.

Thus, most writers, including Shakespeare, do not follow the unities of Time and Place. They focus on the unity of Action, as every play has a plot with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

Petals of Blood by Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o | ThAct

Hello, this thinking activity is based on the novel "Petals of Blood" (1977) written by Kenyan writer Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o. In th...